January 10, 2016
After an unsatisfying 2015, markets both
here and abroad ushered in the New Year with a sharp sell-off. You can see below that the key indexes fell
between 6% and 8% in just 5 trading days.
For those who are historians, both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and
S&P 500 had their worst first week performance of a year ever. Ouch.
Week 1, 2016
Source: The Wall Street Journal (Past performance is not
indicative of future returns). As of
market close January 8, 2016.
International markets shared in the selloff
as well with most global indexes down around 6%. China suffered the most with the Shanghai
Composite losing 10%.
Dow xUS
Mkt Region
Stock Market
Mkt Region
Stock Market
Week 1, 2016
Source: The Wall Street Journal (Past performance is not
indicative of future returns). As of
market close January 8, 2016.
The 5-day decline of 6% in the S&P 500
this past week is eerily similar to the 11% 6-day decline in the S&P 500
from August 18th to August 25th last summer. Now as then, most analysts and commentators
place much of the responsibility squarely on the back of China and that country’s
slowing economy and weakening currency.
Similarly, oil prices fell 10.5% last week compared to 9.6% over the
six-day stretch last August. What is new
this time around is the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates a quarter of
a percent, and I would argue the geopolitical threat from terror has increased.
A fair question to ask is whether US
investors should be worried about a Chinese slowdown. I will address this topic and my outlook for
2016 in the next section.
Before turning my attention to 2016, I
would like to do a quick look back to some 2015 data.
The best performing sector in 2015 was Health
Care with a nearly 6% gain followed by Consumer Discretionary (+4.8%) and
Information Technology (+3.6). Energy
(-25.5%) was the worst performing sector by far followed by Materials (-12.3%)
and Utilities (-8.2%). Avoiding or under-weighting
these sectors was important for portfolio performance in such a lackluster
The Federal Reserve raised interest rates
for the first time in seven years increasing the overnight lending rate by a
quarter percent (25 basis points) the third week in December. Speculation about the Fed’s move was one of
the dominant topics in 2015, yet after the move, little changed. Interest rates finished the year marginally
higher in a year when rates meandered about.
The benchmark 10-year US Treasury closed up 0.1% to 2.27%. The Bond asset category was a disappointment
in 2015. The Barclays US Aggregate Bond
index was up just 0.6% and only five of the sixteen taxable bond sectors
tracked by Morningstar® were positive in 2015. The best performing taxable bond sectors were
Preferred Stocks (+3.2%), Intermediate Government (+0.4%), and Short-Term Bond
(+0.2%). The worst performing sectors
were Emerging Markets Bond (-6.0%), World Bond (-4.1%), and High Yield (-4.0%).
The US Dollar continued to gain in strength
in 2015. The US Dollar index, a
comparison of the US Dollar against a basket of the other major currencies,
gained 9.3% in 2015. The US Dollar was
up 10.3% against the Euro and up nearly 1% to the Japanese Yen. The impact of a stronger US Dollar helped
contribute to lower US corporate earnings, poor international stock and bond
performance at home, and a decrease in demand for oil overseas. Currency fluctuations play an important role
in global economics and I believe will continue to do so in 2016.
FOR 2016
Early last year (January 25, 2015) I talked
about four big themes to watch in 2015:
Greece, the US Federal Reserve raising interest rates, geopolitical
risks abroad, and the uncertainty surrounding US domestic politics. While Greece created all sorts of trouble for
the markets early in the year, the Europeans managed to stabilize the European
Union. The Fed did raise rates a quarter
percent at their last meeting in 2015 and the sun still came up the next
day. Geopolitical challenges came and
went. Terror attacks continued and
stability in the Middle East deteriorated without significant impact on markets. However, oil prices fell during the political
turmoil in the Middle East and that is a new twist on global economics. Finally, my prediction that growth-oriented
policies coming from Congress would be minimal has unfortunately turned out to
be true.
While I did not feel like the economy was
likely to grow at a rate greater than 2.5% in 2015, I thought equity returns
would be better than they were. I
believe that the energy sector was responsible for much of what has challenged
markets. However, I also believe that
the anti-growth fiscal policies via law and rulemaking, has much responsibility
for lackluster growth as well. Finally,
a stronger US Dollar has diminished earnings of US companies that have large
overseas earnings.
My outlook for 2016 is MORE OF THE SAME
resulting in lackluster economic growth (less than 2.5% real gross domestic product
(GDP), more volatility in the markets, and equity returns that fail to exceed
the 8.5% average annual return of the S&P 500 since 1980. I believe it would be a great year if we did
meet that 36-year average, but I am not optimistic thinking we will fall
somewhat short—something that has happened about four times every ten years
since 1980.
Let me say upfront that I do not have a
crystal ball or some magical powers to predict the future. In fact, I have felt for years making
predictions was a fool’s errand.
However, I do believe that it is very necessary to have some expectation
about the near future to properly position portfolios. Let me offer my rationale for why I think
next year will look much like this year.
All the actors on the global stage
are the same. The political and economic
leaders are unchanged and are not expected to change in 2016 (clearly 2017 may
be a different story). We know what
President Obama thinks about US economic policy, what Ms. Yellen thinks about monetary
policy, what Ms. Merkel thinks about the European Union (EU), and so on.
Going into the November presidential
elections there will be no improvement in fiscal policies coming from
Congress. I do believe there remains
more downside risk in Washington as President Obama tries to maximize the
regulatory legacy of his administration in his last year.
Corporate earnings and revenue
growth have been slowing. Corporate
earnings is the food that feeds the market and without earnings growth, markets
will struggle, in my view.
Oil prices will continue to struggle
to find equilibrium. Even if oil prices
do stabilize, I believe they will be lower than they have been over the past
decade for the near future.
Here are some of the key themes and issues
I anticipate will be important in 2016:

I believe that oil prices will stabilize. I do not know where that point of
stabilization will occur, but I do believe it will. This is how commodity markets have always
worked. I do believe the price will stabilize closer
to $32/barrel than $95/barrel of our recent past. I continue to believe that low oil prices are
a great benefit for most of the economy, but clearly, the energy sector is
under a great deal of stress. The United
States has the potential to become the world’s greatest oil producer but has a
long way to go even as oil exports have been permitted for the first time in
over 40 years. Energy prices will
continue to be a key issue in 2016.
The Federal Reserve will remain in the forefront of
investors’ minds.
After getting the first rate hike accomplished last year, the discussion
will now turn to the frequency and magnitude of future rate hikes. The Fed must
walk a very tight balance between normalizing rates while not harming a
sputtering economy or reacting too late to prevent an inflation surge. Markets are currently predicting two
additional 0.25% rate hikes this year and next.
Where would the financial media be these days if they did not have the
Federal Reserve to worry about?
Interest rates should continue their upward trajectory;
however, there are many factors that influence interest rates including the
Fed, inflation, and economic growth.
Interest rates have historically been the most difficult to predict and
the past few years have been no different.
Rising interest rates need economic growth and some degree of inflation
to move upwards. I believe real economic
growth will continue to run below 2.5%, so for rates to rise considerably
higher than where they are today, I think inflation will need to tick up. Inflation, in my view, will remain subdued;
however, if oil prices stabilize, there may be an uptick in inflationary
pressure. I discussed this issue in some detail in my December 20, 2015 Update. If inflation speeds up, the Fed may have to
pick up the frequency and possibly the magnitude of their rate increases which
may in turn put additional pressure on bonds.
The Bond asset category will continue to struggle
in my view. Rising interest rates,
uncertainty in the lower quality bond sectors, and the Fed’s monetary policy
all point to a similar weak performance like we saw in 2015. Higher yields will continue to come from
higher-risk assets that may be prone to periodic selloffs.
The US Dollar will continue to strengthen in 2016—just
not as fast. The currency market is the
largest capital market in the world with average trading volume in excess of $5
trillion each and every day. The free
flow of cash around the world is instrumental in orderly global trade, but it
is also an indicator of the strength or weakness of a country or region. Currencies trade like commodities and are
subject to the same supply/demand issues that affect the price. The US Dollar has been in demand because
traders have believed interest rates on US Treasuries will continue to increase
compared to other nation’s bonds, and because the security of US Treasuries is
second to none. Traders who fear the geopolitical
turbulence frequently turn to US Treasuries thus increasing demand for the US
European growth will continue to lag the US. I have little confidence that developed
European countries will be able to grow at levels close to or better than the
US. Europe is the US on steroids in
terms of over-taxation, government regulation, and wealth transfer
payments. All of this gives me little
reason to be optimistic about growth in developed Europe even as the European
Central Bank (ECB) continues with its quantitative easing program. Eastern Europe, if allowed to act independently
of either the European Union or Russia could offer excellent investment
opportunities. However, this is a big
if. I believe Emerging markets will
continue to struggle under the challenges of a stronger US Dollar and weakening
demand from China. As I have said
recently, I am not ignoring international investing; I am just suggesting there
are some serious headwinds to investment there now.
I believe volatility will increase
due to the Fed’s desire to return to more normal monetary policies. We have benefited since the 2008 recession by
Fed policies that indirectly helped dampen volatility, and that has been a
great thing for investors. I do not know
a single investor that enjoys volatility, but most accept this as the price to
be paid to be a long-term investor.
Finally, I fear that acts of terror will continue in
2016. As the world adapts to
this new reality, I do not believe markets will over-react to such events
provided they are isolated and have minimal impact on economic activity.
Although I do not believe
2016 will be a great year, I do believe the US economy is not going to fall off
a cliff. We appear to be in a
transitional year. After years of near
zero interest rates from the Fed, we may well be for a period of rate
increases, albiet small ones. Leadership
in the White House will certainly change in early 2017, but to who we have no
idea. From an investment perspective, I
hope that the next President and Congress can do more to help growth than has
been the case for so many years.
The S&P 500 is
currently 71% oversold. Traditionally,
when markets become more than 100% oversold it becomes an attractive point of
entry. Another important signal I watch,
the New York Stock Exchange Bullish Percent (NYSEBP) is an indicator of what I
consider the overall riskiness in the market.
The current reading is 28 and I consider anything below 30 to be
generally less risky going forward. For
perspective, the NYSEBP reached down to 26 last August during the first China
related selloff, and to 18 during the last major correction in the fall of
Most of you are now
familiar with the Dorsey Wright & Associates Daily Asset Level Indicator (DALI)
chart below.
As of January 11, 2016.
Source: DorseyWright & Associates.
This chart outlines the
most basic relative strength relationship between the six major asset
categories. Since my last Update, there
has been no change in the order of the six major asset categories, but there
has been some changes to the underlying tally scores of each. Domestic Equities has shown some weakness
falling from 341 to 323 since my December 20th Update. The numbers indicate that weakness in the
small capitalization sectors is responsible for much of the decline. Fixed Income (bonds) remains number two and
has improved as has Cash (Money Market sector).
Currencies and Commodities have also improved although the Commodity
asset category remains firmly in last place.
International Equities weakened by the continuing struggles of the
emerging market sectors.
The high yield bond
sector’s struggles will conintue in 2016 primarily because of the energy sector,
and the year will yet another mediocre year for bonds in general. The best bond sectors at the start of the
year are high credit quality and municipals.
I think the floating-rate (bank loan) sector is oversold enough to find
the values compelling along with their good yields.
I believe commercial real
estate could provide positive returns as supply continues to lag demand and is
a sector I am evaluating.
I cannot stress enough that the weak start in 2016 is just that, a weak start. Volatility is the price you pay to be an investor. There are 51 more trading weeks remaining in the year and while I believe this will be a below trend year for equity returns, I do think markets will be positive for 2016.
I hope all of you had a
very Happy New Year and cheers to your happiness, health, and prosperity!
Paul L. Merritt,
MBA, C(k)P®, AIF®, CRPC®
NTrust Wealth
If you think this type of analysis would be of benefit to anyone you know,
please share this communication with them.
Past performance is not indicative of future results and there is no
assurance that any forecasts mentioned in this report will be obtained.
Technical analysis is just one form of analysis. You may also want to
consider quantitative and fundamental analysis before making any investment
All indices are
unmanaged and are not available for direct investment by the public. Past
performance is not indicative of future results. The S&P 500 is based on the average
performance of the 500 industrial stocks monitored by Standard & Poors and
is a capitalization-weighted index meaning the larger companies have a larger
weighting of the index. The S&P 500
Equal Weighted Index is determined by giving each company in the index an equal
weighting to each of the 500 companies that comprise the index. The Dow
Jones Industrial Average is based on the average performance of 30 large U.S.
companies monitored by Dow Jones & Company.
The Russell 2000 Index Is comprised of the 2000 smallest companies of
the Russell 3000 Index, which is comprised of the 3000 biggest companies in the
US. The NASDAQ Composite Index (NASDAQ)
is an index representing the securities traded on the NASDAQ stock market and
is comprised of over 3000 issues. It has
a heavy bias towards technology and growth stocks. The STOXX® Europe 600 is derived
from the STOXX Europe Total Market Index (TMI) and is a subset of the STOXX
Global 1800 Index. With a fixed number
of 600 components, the STOXX Europe 600 represents large, mid, and small
capitalization countries of the European region. The Dow Jones Global ex-US index represents 77 countries and
covers more than 98% of the world's market capitalization. A full complement of
sub indices, measuring both sectors and stock-size segments, are calculated for
each country and region.
Information in this update has been obtained from and is based upon
sources that NTrust Wealth Management (NTWM) believes to be reliable; however,
NTWM does not guarantee its accuracy. All opinions and estimates constitute
NTWM's judgment as of the date the update was created and are subject to change
without notice. This update is for informational purposes only and is not
intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of a security.
Any decision to purchase securities must take into account existing public
information on such security or any registered prospectus.
Emerging market investments
involve higher risks than investments from developed countries and involve
increased risks due to differences in accounting methods, foreign taxation,
political instability, and currency fluctuation. The main risks of
international investing are currency fluctuations, differences in accounting
methods, foreign taxation, economic, political, or financial instability, and
lack of timely or reliable information or unfavorable political or legal
The commodities industries can be significantly affected by
commodity prices, world events, import controls, worldwide competition,
government regulations, and economic conditions. Past performance is no
guarantee of future results. These investments may not be suitable for all
investors, and there is no guarantee that any investment will be able to sell
for a profit in the future. The Dow
Jones UBS Commodities Index is composed of futures contracts on physical
commodities. This index aims to provide
a broadly diversified representation of commodity markets as an asset
class. The index represents 19
commodities, which are weighted to account for economic significance and market
liquidity. This index cannot be traded
directly. The CBOE Volatility Index - more commonly referred to as
"VIX" - is an up-to-the-minute market estimate of expected volatility
that is calculated by using real-time S&P 500® Index (SPX) option
bid/ask quotes. VIX uses nearby and second nearby options with at least 8 days
left to expiration and then weights them to yield a constant, 30-day measure of
the expected volatility of the S&P 500 Index.
TIPS are U.S. government securities designed to protect investors
and the future value of their fixed-income investments from the adverse effects
of inflation. Using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as a guide, the value of the
bond's principal is adjusted upward to keep pace with inflation. Increase in
real interest rates can cause the price of inflation-protected debt securities
to decrease. Interest payments on
inflation-protected debt securities can be unpredictable.
The NYCE US Dollar Index is a
measure that calculates the value of the US dollar through a basket of six
currencies, the Euro, the Japanese Yen, the British Pound, the Canadian Dollar,
the Swedish Krona, and the Swiss franc.
The Euro is the predominant currency making up about 57% of the basket.
Currencies and futures generally
are volatile and are not suitable for all investors. Investment in foreign exchange related
products is subject to many factors that contribute to or increase volatility,
such as national debt levels and trade deficits, changes in domestic and
foreign interest rates, and investors’ expectations concerning interest rates,
currency exchange rates and global or regional political, economic or financial
events and situations.
Corporate bonds contain elements
of both interest rate risk and credit risk. Treasury bills are guaranteed by
the U.S. government as to the timely payment of principal and interest, and if
held to maturity, offer a fixed rate of return and fixed principal value. U.S.
Treasury bills do not eliminate market risk. The purchase of bonds is subject
to availability and market conditions. There is an inverse relationship between
the price of bonds and the yield: when price goes up, yield goes down, and vice
versa. Market risk is a consideration if sold or redeemed prior to maturity.
Some bonds have call features that may affect income.
The bullish percent indicator (BPI) is a market breath
indicator. The indicator is calculated by taking the total number of
issues in an index or industry that are generating point and figure buy signals
and dividing it by the total number of stocks in that group. The basic
rule for using the bullish percent index is that when the BPI is above 70%, the
market is overbought, and conversely when the indicator is below 30%, the
market is oversold. The most popular BPI is the NYSE Bullish Percent
Index, which is the tool of choice for famed point and figure analyst, Thomas